
E-commerce lll 

is focused on entrepreneurs and business leaders. The fund mandate is for start-up, micro- and small e-commerce enterprises with the potential for rapid growth and exceptional positive cashflow generation.


E-commerce III provides funding for development and a full service success team to kick start and grow smaller enterprises. The fund goal is to take the business from lower income to a profitable multi-million pound level within a maximum of 2 years.


and business owners with an income from ‘zero to one million pounds ’and/ or those with need for a development kick are welcome to send their contact and company details including at least a 2 page summary (and maximum 10 pages) detailing:

  • Business concept
  • Product concept
  • Target market
  • Geographical location of the business and clients and languages used Current and up to 5 years historic financial results
  • Any financial investment to date
  • Time the company has been operating
  • Ownership details (full details including address, passport/ID, percentages, nationality)
  • Directorship details (full personal details including address and passport/ID, nationality)
  • Two page summary of experience and education from each director and owner
  • Registered details – company number, post- and registered address,telephone, email
  • Send these details to info@OxfordPrivateEquity.co.uk
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